...Two Shots...

His life was in my hands
A breeze colder than blood stained concrete greeted the silence against my brow
Sweat kissed the inside of my palm as my finger began to ache between decision and trigger
Legs tired of pushing my foot against his back
His breathing irritated my ego
Infuriated the emotions I hid under my uniform
I was questioning my judgment
Thinking about the swell of left hand knuckles after beating his whereabouts with fist
Stared at blood he spit after I pushed frustration into his chest
Him declaring innocence only defined my guilt
Refused to fight back
Placed hands on steering wheels before my command
Didn't hesitate to comply with the bullshit I gave him
His record clean of society’s indecencies but I still had a point to prove
That skin the color of this country's deceit shall never be free on my beat
Shall never speak to me under the impersonation of equality
You are nothing but a slave in freeman’s clothing
The irrevocable mistake we made by calling you human shall be redeemed in the beauty of your death
Justice lives within my forefathers' breath
You will always be less than
The species some audacious muthafucka dared called a man
You niggers is this nation's regret
And the only way to pay your debt is by the blood of open wounds
Two shots in the head is the only love I have for you
No longer relying on your people to assassinate you
This is what policemen were hired to do


  1. Powerful palpable emotions.....Awesome imagery. Raw undiluted truth.

  2. Eqlektik said it best. You're imagery always draws me in ...like an action flick to words.... I like this write... ;)
