...Finding My Way...

Lost but not found
4 years that feel like centuries ago I walked away from life and into what has now become my shadow
Premature understanding like birth from wombs that house children who haven’t matured
I walked away from yesterday into the unknown that felt like home
Ran away on a stream of tears into the wilderness in search of me
Because the women on TV never looked quite like me
Nor did the woman in the mirror after I removed remnants of lost dreams
And if silence can help me define these random thoughts that scared away sleep
Maybe looking soul deep could some how define me
So I ran
Heart and mind wide open like the possibilities
No limits enslaved me because this time I ran away free
Free from yesterday and the days before
Free from the ones who only saw me as a lost black girl
Free from beliefs that never made sense to me
Free from me standing in the way of who I was meant to be