...Calling Me...

I feel you calling me
Penetrating moans where bodies lose sleep
And your orgasm replays like my favorite song on repeat
I feel you calling me as I wrap legs around your body
And kisses run deep like heart beats
Fingers grab and miss hair
Lost words clutch on to skin soaked with Midnight’s air
I feel you calling me even when my body isn’t there
Remember how headboards caressed walls as time stopped and stared
Removed clothes with naked eyes as the sun began to rise
Deep grinds, backs arched and sighs
As hands run nature high
Closed minds, no asking why
One stroke, body begins to cry
Ascend the stairs only made for the Divine
Lost yourself in Heaven but there were no pearly gates
Just the place where my thighs divide and wait to meet your taste
Let your tongue become my savior that renewed my lost faith
Kisses to necks then pillows to face, you’re the extension to my end
Hands slap skin, move to shoulders then start all over again
Can’t help but start to beg you
You whispered “Even stop won’t save you”
I bet the neighbors know my name too
As we switched positions and your climax disobeyed you


  1. Very well choreographed... I enjoyed the visual and it flowed well...

  2. This visual you paint with this one is beyond amazing!!! WOW!
