...A Simple Poem...

I wanted to write this because sometimes I can be a little too complex
Run off on tangents
Metaphorically compare you to planets
And galaxies
With stars
Like milky ways
And you’re supposed to know I’m talking about your finger tips
Do you catch my drift?
I can get a little….deep when words and art meet
So I figured it be best if I simply speak the things that rest on my mind
One line at a time
So, here it goes…

I think your dope
Fly, funky and fresh all wrapped into one
And if there was another word under the sun to describe you, I would use that one too
Like, call you “YourSoBeautiful” without spaces
Then erase it
Write it again in upper and lower cases
You know like “YoUrSoBeAuTiful” and hope it place a smile on your face and
Somehow stimulate your heart to skip a beat or two for me
Infatuation has consumed me
Got me day dreaming about you at work as if that’s what I’m paid to do
Losing my thoughts in meetings, got my coworkers asking about you
Like “Hey, who is this dude?”
“No for real, who is he?”
So I tell little white lies and pray that God forgives me
Something nonchalant like “No one special. Really”
When we all know
It gets
No ‘specialer’
Than you

I dig you
Not caring if you even dig me back
Not going to retract statements if friendship is all we have and you leave it at that
Not going to try to persuade you by stating heart felt facts
Your words move me before any emotion could
And if you would give me the chance
I will love you forever
Never wasting a second to appreciate you, ever
And you make my stomach flutter more than butterflies do
In so deep that when I touch you
It feels like my very first time falling
All over again

But since you want to be friends I have to respect that
Seal this simple poem with a kiss
And take a step back

1 comment:

  1. Aww, nice poem with a cute ending. I've been stuck in the "friend zone" plenty of times, but never had the strength of the speaker to just be content with friendship. The speaker is stronger than I -- and most people I know. Keep writing!

    Give a poet a pen.
