...You're Secure In Me...

She asked me to show her what beauty was
So I handed her a mirror that kissed her perfection
And asked if she saw heaven or hell in her reflection
Silence greeted acid rain tears that peeled away her insecurities
Maybe once she wanted to be anything but brown
And finally be able to let her hair down that stood as resistant as our ancestors
Sometimes she wished that her hips weren’t so round
And that her pride stuck around every time BET showed the next girl of the week
And my heart…
My heart bleeds for her
I can’t help but feel for her because within in her there is an old me
I remember how being a teenager can be when nobody seems to understand
And won’t lend a helping hand like the power hiding inside of your voice
And sometimes we have no other choice but to try to fit in
Especially when being like everyone else is the new trend and individuality is gone with the wind
See, I remember having friends who only wanted me around when their confidence was down
Because me being a shade of darkest brown was what repaired it
And no I didn’t share it
You could look at me but couldn’t tell it
Eyes dry but my soul felt it
Till one day my resolve melted and I had to make a decision between society…
And me
Uncovered the mirror of darkness with the light within
And exposed the world to the type of beauty only an Infinite Mind can be
Reshaped and formed the woman inside of me screaming to be free
From the chains of insecurities that kept her in captivity
See, she’s half my age but stronger than I will ever be
And I appreciate the beauty in all people that sometimes only a mind’s eye can see
For beauty is just a word until you give it reality
And a mirror is just a mirror until you see your reflection internally